Funny Birthday Cards
A unique collection cool, funny birthday cards. If you're looking for a clean humorous card, you can filter them, or pick birthday cards by popularity, or recipient.

Birthday Humour Cards
At Dean Morris, we’re known for the rudeness of our funny greeting cards – and we reckon you cannot beat a dollop of good, ‘in your face’ rudeness mixed with humour, can you?! The popularity of our funny rude birthday cards only goes to prove how much our customers agree. The good old-fashioned British sense of humour, with its strong sense of irony and a strong cheeky streak, is still going strong!
Know that we’re here to cater for all tastes in funny cards from sexual innuendo to the down-right blunt and offensive. However, if you find some of the cards a little vulgar for your taste, then we have more normal birthday cards to make them smile. With our bold, bright-coloured cards, and simple messages there should be something perfect for you to choose. Whether you’re feeling a bit naughty, in which case our saucy cards are for you, or perhaps your friends’ sense of humour is more towards a nice blunt lowbrow message to make them laugh. We’ve got you covered!
We love our mums and dads and we want to show them the love in our cards too. So we’ve got a range to show them how much you care on their birthday and make them laugh at the same time. You know their sense of humour, so it’s up to you how far you push it. Our brilliant funny badges are just the thing to go with their cards, or you can give them a mug to remind them each time they have a cuppa. Perfect for birthdays!
I’m afraid we sometimes seem to offend a few people with our cards, but then again, if you click on very rude birthday cards, what can you expect?! We are often brazen enough to wheel out the odd four-letter word, or two (or maybe a few more – but that’s funny), and this is our style. So if you’re a little nervy or easily shocked by how shameless some of our more vulgar cards are, we hope you forgive us. Perhaps pick from the less offensive if you think they’re too lowbrow for you, or be defiant and go for a nice funny rude one!