Good Luck
Best of Luck Cards
Wishing someone good luck extends to many aspects of life and sometimes just saying it isn’t enough. If your nearest and dearest are about to embark on some major, even life changing experience, then wishing them the best of luck is something that is nice to do in a card. If it’s an exam, it might be that you’re there for them, but there’s nothing you can do to help, so a card says that you’re thinking of them and they’re not alone!
Remember that in some circumstances, wishing good luck isn’t the best option – such as in theatre, where it’s far better to tell them to break a leg, which comes to much the same thing! Superstitious lot they are (neither should you mention Macbeth!)...
Now because good luck cards can extend to so many occasions, we’ve kept it simple with a small selection of bright cards, which are amusing or funny and say the words good luck in large bold letters. . One of the most common reasons for wishing people lucky, certainly for younger people, is at examination time. But equally well, it can apply to a driving test, an interview, moving house or even getting married. Once you’ve chosen your card, the rest is up to you – write your personalised message inside and off you go, job done. Thanks for visiting and good luck from us, too!