When is Father's Day 2024 Dates UK, USA, and World-wide

So you forgot when Father's Day is again this year, yes?
Well, the answer is:
The UK (The United Kingdom) celebrates Father's Day on 16th June 2024
The US also celebrates Father's
Day on 16th June 2024
Okay, so now you know...
...did you want a simple way to remember Father's Day each year?
I mean, you don't want to forget about your dad, do you?
Not after everything he's done for you.
That would be as bad as forgetting when Mother's Day is. Right?
Just click on that annoyingly tempting little pressy below
and your problem's solved.
You get a timely reminder about Father's Day, plus 20% off this year's Father's Day card and crazily good special offers...
...and you get timely, useful stuff, like Father's Day quotes and messages for your cards or texts, too.
Not a bad deal, eh?
Keep reading for more Father's Day date related info...
Father's Day Dates Around the World
Now if you want to surprise your overseas friends, and say 'happy Father's Day' to them, at the right time of year, read on. We have listed dates around the world and details of how Father's Day is celebrated.
Father's Day Dates in Europe
Austria: Austria celebrates Father's Day on the second Sunday in June, which will be 9th June 2024. It is a day for honouring fathers and celebrating fatherhood with various activities.
Belarus: Belarus does not officially celebrate Father's Day.
Belgium: In Belgium, Father's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in June in most regions, which will be 9th June 2024. However, it is celebrated on 19th March in the region of Antwerp.
Bulgaria: Bulgaria observes Father's Day on the third Sunday in June, aligning with many other countries. The date for 2024 is 16th June.
Croatia: Father's Day in Croatia is also celebrated on the third Sunday of June, which falls on 16th June 2024.
Denmark: In Denmark, Father's Day is celebrated on 5th June, which is also Constitution Day. This day recognizes fathers and father figures.
Estonia: Father's Day in Estonia is observed on the second Sunday in November. In 2024, it will be celebrated on 10th November.
Finland: Finland celebrates Father's Day on the second Sunday in November, which will be on 10th November 2024. It is a recognized holiday where fathers are honoured.
France: In France, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June, which will be 16th June 2024. This day is dedicated to honouring fathers and celebrating fatherhood.
Germany: Germany celebrates Father's Day on Ascension Day, which is 40 days after Easter. In 2024, this will fall on 9th May. Traditionally, men use this day to do hiking tours with wagons and consume a significant amount of alcohol.
Greece: Greece celebrates Father's Day on the third Sunday in June, aligning with many other countries. The date for 2024 is 16th June.
Hungary: In Hungary, Father's Day is also observed on the third Sunday of June, which will be 16th June 2024.
Iceland: Father's Day in Iceland is celebrated on the second Sunday in November. In 2024, it falls on 10th November.
Italy: Italy celebrates Father's Day on 19th March, known as Saint Joseph's Day, who is considered the patron saint of fathers.
Latvia: In Latvia, Father's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September. In 2024, this will be on 8th September.
Lithuania: Lithuania observes Father's Day on the first Sunday in June, which will be 2nd June 2024.
Malta: In Malta, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June, the same as many other countries, making it 16th June 2024.
Netherlands: The Netherlands celebrates Father's Day on the third Sunday in June, which will be 16th June 2024.
Norway: Norway celebrates Father's Day on the second Sunday in November. In 2024, it will be on 10th November.
Poland: Poland observes Father's Day on 23rd June annually, regardless of the day of the week.
Portugal: Portugal celebrates Father's Day on 19th March, known as Saint Joseph's Day. This day honours Saint Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus Christ, reflecting its strong Catholic tradition.
Romania: Romania observes Father's Day on the second Sunday in May, which will be 12th May 2024. This is a relatively new observance, established to complement Mother's Day and to honour fathers.
Russia: In Russia, Father's Day is not officially celebrated nationwide. Some regions may observe it informally on the third Sunday of June, which would be 16th June 2024.
Slovakia: Slovakia celebrates Father's Day on the third Sunday in June, aligning with many other countries. The date for 2024 is 16th June.
Spain: Spain observes Father's Day on 19th March, also known as Saint Joseph's Day, similar to Portugal and Italy. This day is dedicated to celebrating fatherhood and the influence of fathers in society.
Sweden: Sweden celebrates Father's Day on the second Sunday in November. For 2024, this date falls on 10th November.
Switzerland: Switzerland celebrates Father's Day on the first Sunday in June. In 2024, it will be observed on 2nd June.
Turkey: In Turkey, Father's Day is observed on the third Sunday of June, which will be 16th June 2024. It is a day to honour fathers and celebrate fatherhood.
Ukraine: Ukraine also celebrates Father's Day on the third Sunday of June, which will be 16th June 2024. This day is used to honour fathers and celebrate the contributions they make to their families and society.
United Kingdom: The United Kingdom observes Father's Day on the third Sunday in June, similar to the U.S. and many other countries. In 2024, this will be 16th June.
Father's Day Dates in The Americas
Argentina: In Argentina, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. For 2024, it will be observed on 16th June.
Bolivia: Bolivia celebrates Father's Day on 19th March, which is the same day as Saint Joseph's Day. This is a common date in several other Latin American countries where the day is dedicated to honouring fathers.
Canada: In Canada, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June, aligning with the U.S. and many other countries. The date for 2024 is 16th June.
Chile: In Chile, Father's Day is observed on the third Sunday in June. The date for 2024 is 16th June.
Colombia: Colombia also celebrates Father's Day on the third Sunday in June. For 2024, this will be on 16th June.
Costa Rica: Costa Rica observes Father's Day on the third Sunday in June, which will be 16th June 2024. It is a day to celebrate and honour fathers and father figures.
Haiti: In Haiti, Father's Day is also celebrated on the last Sunday in June. For 2024, this date falls on 30th June.
Mexico: Mexico celebrates Father's Day on the third Sunday in June, similar to the U.S. and Canada. In 2024, this will be on 16th June.
Paraguay: Paraguay observes Father's Day on the third Sunday in June, which will be 16th June 2024.
Peru: In Peru, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June, aligning with the tradition in many other countries. The date for 2024 is 16th June.
Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad and Tobago observe Father's Day on the third Sunday in June, which will be 16th June 2024.
United States: The United States celebrates Father's Day on the third Sunday in June. For 2024, it will be observed on 16th June.
Father's Day Dates in Africa
Algeria: Father's Day is not officially celebrated in Algeria.
Egypt: In Egypt, Father's Day is celebrated on 21st June 2024. This date aligns with the summer solstice, symbolizing the warmth and light fathers bring to their children's lives.
Kenya: Father's Day in Kenya falls on 16th June 2024, celebrated on the third Sunday of June. This date is chosen to recognize and honour the contributions of fathers within the family and society.
Morocco: Like Algeria, Morocco does not officially celebrate Father's Day.
Mozambique: There is no official recognition of Father's Day in Mozambique.
Nigeria: Father's Day in Nigeria is celebrated on 16th June 2024. Like many other countries, Nigeria observes Father's Day on the third Sunday of June. This day is used to honour fathers and father figures, celebrating their influence in the family and society.
Seychelles: There is no official recognition of Father's Day in Seychelles.
South Africa: In South Africa, Father's Day is observed on 16th June 2024. It is celebrated on the third Sunday in June, similar to many other countries, recognizing the contributions and influence of fathers within families and communities.
South Sudan: Father's Day is not officially celebrated in South Sudan.
Sudan: Like South Sudan, Sudan does not officially celebrate Father's Day.Nigeria
Tanzania: Like many countries in Africa, Tanzania does not officially celebrate Father's Day.
Father's Day Dates in Asia
Bangladesh: In Bangladesh, Father's Day is observed on 16th June 2024, which is the third Sunday of June. This day is recognized similarly to the traditions in the United States and many other countries, celebrating fatherhood and paternal bonds.
China: China does not officially celebrate Father's Day on a national level. However, some people might observe the day informally on the third Sunday of June.
India: In India, Father's Day is also celebrated on 16th June 2024. It follows the tradition of the third Sunday in June, where people honour their fathers and celebrate fatherhood.
Indonesia: Indonesia observes Father's Day on 12th November. This day is a time to honour fathers and celebrate fatherhood and male parenting.
Iran: Father's Day in Iran is celebrated on 13th Rajab in the Islamic calendar, which is Imam Ali's birthday. Imam Ali is considered a father figure in Shia Islam. The date changes yearly according to the Gregorian calendar. For 2024, this falls on approximately 4th March.
Israel: Father's Day in Israel does not have a fixed date and is not officially celebrated as a separate day. However, some may observe it informally on the third Sunday of June.
Japan: In Japan, Father's Day is observed on 16th June 2024, following the tradition of celebrating on the third Sunday in June. This day is marked by giving gifts to fathers and spending time together to show appreciation.
Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan does not officially celebrate Father's Day.
Malaysia: In Malaysia, Father's Day is also celebrated on 16th June 2024. It is observed on the third Sunday of June, similar to many other countries, and is a day to honour fathers and celebrate fatherhood.
Mongolia: Mongolia does not officially celebrate Father's Day.
Nepal: In Nepal, Father's Day, known as "Gokarna Aunsi," is celebrated on a different date each year according to the lunar calendar. It usually falls in August or September. In 2024, it will be observed on 12th September. This day is dedicated to honouring fathers, with children giving gifts and showing respect.
Pakistan: Pakistan observes Father's Day on 16th June 2024, which is the third Sunday of June, following the tradition observed by many other countries.
Philippines: In the Philippines, Father's Day is celebrated on 16th June 2024. It is also observed on the third Sunday of June, where people honour their fathers and celebrate fatherhood with various activities and gifts.
Singapore: Father's Day in Singapore is observed on 16th June 2024, following the common tradition of the third Sunday of June, celebrating the contributions of fathers within families and society.
South Korea: South Korea celebrates Father's Day on 8th May, which is also Parent's Day. This is a national holiday that combines both Mother's Day and Father's Day, focusing on honouring both parents.
Sri Lanka: Father's Day in Sri Lanka is informally observed on 16th June 2024, aligning with the international norm of the third Sunday in June.
Taiwan: In Taiwan, Father's Day is celebrated on 8th August, known as "Bābā Holiday," coinciding with the Mandarin word for eight, 'bā', which sounds like the word for dad (爸). This date is chosen to honour fathers and paternal figures.
Thailand: In Thailand, Father's Day is celebrated on 5th December, which is the birthday of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej. He is revered as the father of the nation, and the day continues to be a significant time of commemoration and respect.
United Arab Emirates: The UAE observes Father's Day on 16th June 2024, which is the third Sunday of June, similar to many other countries.
Father's Day Dates in Oceania
Australia: In Australia, Father's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September. In 2024, this will be on 1st September.
Fiji: In Fiji, Father's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in September. For 2024, this will be on 8th September.
New Zealand: New Zealand also celebrates Father's Day on the first Sunday in September, aligning with Australia. The date for 2024 is 1st September.
Samoa: Samoa observes Father's Day on the second Sunday in August. For 2024, this date falls on 11th August.
How to Say Happy Father's Day in Lots of Different Languages
If you have friends from abroad, you're a bit of a show off, or you like fun facts, here's a list of countries with how to say Happy Father's Day in each language!
In Europe
German: "Alles Gute zum Vatertag" (Alles goote tsoom Vatertag)
Belarusian: "З Днём Бацькі" (Z Dnyom Bats’ki)
Dutch: "Gelukkige Vaderdag" (Ge-luk-ki-ge Va-der-dag)
French: "Bonne Fête des Pères" (Bonne fête day pères)
Bulgarian: "Честит Ден на бащата" (Chestit Den na bashtata)
Croatian: "Sretan Dan očeva" (Sre-tan Dan o-che-va)
Danish: "Glædelig fars dag" (Gl-eye-del-ig fars dag)
Estonian: "Head Isadepäeva" (Head ee-sah-de-pae-va)
Finnish: "Hyvää isänpäivää" (Hü-vaa ee-san-pai-vaa)
French: "Bonne Fête des Pères" (Bonne fête day pères)
German: "Alles Gute zum Vatertag" (Alles goote tsoom Vatertag)
Greek: "Χαρούμενη ημέρα του πατέρα" (Charoumeni imera tou patera)
Hungarian: "Boldog apák napját" (Boldog apaak nap-yaat)
Icelandic: "Farsæll föðurdagur" (Far-sigh-tl fur-thur-dag-ur)
Italian: "Buona Festa del Papà" (Bwo-na Festa del Pa-pa)
Latvian: "Priecīgu Tēvu dienu" (Prie-see-gu Tey-vu die-nu)
Lithuanian: "Su Tėvo diena" (Soo Teh-vo die-na)
Maltese: "Il-Jum Missier Saeed" (Il-Yum Miss-yer Sae-ed)
Dutch: "Gelukkige Vaderdag" (Ge-luk-ki-ge Va-der-dag)
Norwegian: "Gratulerer med farsdagen" (Gra-too-le-rer med fars-da-gen)
Polish: "Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Dnia Ojca" (Vshyst-ke-go nai-lep-she-go z oka-zji dnya oy-tsa)
Portuguese: "Feliz Dia do Pai" (Feh-liz Dee-ah do Pie)
Romanian: "La mulți ani de Ziua Tatălui" (La mool-tzi a-nee de Zee-ua Ta-ta-loo-ee)
Russian: "С Днем отца" (S Dnem ottsa)
Slovak: "Šťastný Deň otcov" (Shtyas-tny Den ot-tsov)
Spanish: "Feliz Día del Padre" (Fe-leez Dee-ah del Pad-ray)
Swedish: "Glad Fars Dag" (Glad Fars Dag)
German: "Alles Gute zum Vatertag" (Alles goote tsoom Vatertag)
French: "Bonne Fête des Pères" (Bonne fête day pères)
Italian: "Buona Festa del Papà" (Bwo-na Festa del Pa-pa)
Turkish: "Babalar Günü kutlu olsun" (Ba-ba-lar Goo-noo koot-loo ol-sun)
Ukrainian: "З Днем батька" (Z Dnem bat’ka)
Other countries around the world
Arabic: "عيد أب سعيد" (ʿīd ab saʿīd)
Swahili: "Siku ya Baba njema" (see-koo yah bah-bah njeh-mah)
English is also widely used.
Arabic: "عيد أب سعيد" (ʿīd ab saʿīd)
Berber (Tamazight): "Asuggas Ambarki n Baba" (a-soo-gas am-bar-kee n bah-bah)
English is widely used: "Happy Father's Day"
Yoruba: "Ku ayeye ọjọ Baba" (koo ah-yeh-yeh aw-jaw bah-bah)
Igbo: "Obi ụtọ ụbọchị nna" (oh-bee oo-toh oo-boh-chee n-nah)
Hausa: "Ranar Mahaifi Gare Ku" (rah-nahr mah-hay-fee ga-ray koo)
Seychellois Creole (Seselwa): "Bonn Fet Papa" (bon fey pah-pah)
French is also commonly used: "Bonne Fête Papa" (bone fet pah-pah)
Bengali: "শুভ বাবা দিবস" (Shubho Baba Dibosh)
Mandarin Chinese: "父亲节快乐" (Fùqīn jié kuàilè)
Cantonese: "父親節快樂" (Fu qin jit fai lok)
Hindi: "हैप्पी फादर्स डे" (Haipee Faadars De)
Tamil: "தந்தையர் தின வாழ்த்துக்கள்" (Thanthaiyar dhina vaazhthukkal)
Telugu: "హ్యాపీ ఫాదర్స్ డే" (Hyāpī Phādars Ḍē)
Kannada: "ಹ್ಯಾಪಿ ಫಾದರ್ಸ್ ಡೇ" (Hyāpi Phādars Ḍē)
Gujarati: "હેપ્પી ફાધર્સ ડે" (Hēppī Phādhars Ḍē)
Malayalam: "ഹാപ്പി ഫാദേഴ്സ് ഡേ" (Hāppi Phāḍeḻs Ḍē)
Punjabi: "ਹੈਪੀ ਫਾਦਰਸ ਡੇ" (Haipī Phādaras Ḍē)
Marathi: "हॅपी फादर्स डे" (Hyaapii Phaadars Dee)
Bengali: "শুভ বাবা দিবস" (Shubho Baba Dibosh)
Hebrew: "יום אבא שמח" (Yom Aba Same'ach)
Japanese: "父の日おめでとう" (Chichi no hi omedetō)
Urdu: "فادرز ڈے مبارک" (Fathers Day Mubarak)
Punjabi: "پیو دہ دن مبارک" (Pio da din mubarak)
South Korea:
Korean: "아버지 날 축하합니다" (Abeoji nal chukahamnida)
Thai: "สุขสันต์วันพ่อ" (Suk san wan phor)
Spanish: "Feliz Día del Padre" (Fe-leez Dee-ah del Pad-ray)
Spanish: "Feliz Día del Padre" (Fe-leez Dee-ah del Pad-ray)
Spanish: "Feliz Día del Padre" (Fe-leez Dee-ah del Pad-ray)
So that's it. Hope you enjoyed our little blog on when Father's Day is this year.
Now it's time to click on that little pressy icon, if you've not done it already.
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