Funny & Rude 70th Birthday Cards For Mum

Remember, mum didn't suddenly lose her sense of humour because she's reached her 70th birthday. And, although it's nice to have a cutesy flowery card, you can also celebrate her 70th birthday with a card that's a bit more light-hearted and fun!
With that in mind, here are a selection of 70th birthday cards we think your mum will love and that will let you say 'happy 70th birthday mother' but also make her laugh at the same time.
Scroll down the page, or use these handy jump links to get you there quickly!
A mum card for all super duper 70's
Funny 70th Birthday cards for mum
Okay, now bear in mind we're well known for funny, original cards and we have a good few that fit the bill for your mum's 70th birthday. Remember, though, our cards will get a little ruder and cheekier as you scroll down the page, so if anything shocks you a little, scroll up, quick and we'll pretend that never happened...
However, your mum was around in the 1960s and 70's, though, so she's probably made of sterner stuff...
A card for your fabulous mum at 70, who never acts her age...
This next card sums up my mother to a tea. And my grandmother come to think of it. In fact, what kind of family do I have...
A card for a fun mum on her 70th birthday.
Mums are forever young in their kids' memories and often like to count their birthdays in multiples of favourite ages... Yup, we all do it as we get older.
A 70th birthday card for mum who is forever 29-ish... well, multiples of...
That's the trouble with today's generation, they don't know how to party like their mothers did.
A mum card for those 70 year olds who still like a good party
Well, there's a lot to moan about when you get to your 70s...
Say it how it is on their 70th birthday card.
Even at 70, you're always younger than the person that's older than you...
Slightly rude cards 70th birthday cards for mum
Okay, so we've reached the stage where we're going to start giving you some slightly edgier, funny, and ruder birthday cards for her 70th birthday.
You know your mum.
You know what she finds funny.
And let's face it, you know how rude you can go...
So, as you go down the page you'll start to see some naughty words and age digs...
If mum's finally turned into her mother... well there's a card for that...
For those mums, at their 70th birthday, who are still keeping up youthful appearances...
It was a while back, but I bet mum remembers it all well...
(without actually mentioning the age...)
Well, you aren't... are you?
Be proud of your bush, even at 70...
Rude mum 70th birthday cards.
Okay, we've gone easy on you up to now. Here are some increasingly rude and ruder cards that you can consider for your mum's 70th.
By the time you're done, you'll be ready to move onto the rest of our cards.
If you can't lie about your age on your 70th birthday, when can you?
What can I say? It's their 70th, after all...
Oops.... moving on.
Here's something a bit ruder for your mum...
Okay, you're still here...
Really rude 70th birthday cards for mum
Well done, if you're looking for a really rude 70th birthday card for mum, you've made it.
If your mum really doesn't care what people think, this card's the one for her 70th birthday... yes?!
It's a 70th in joke. Really... They're all doing it...
Just because they're well dressed at 70, doesn't mean they're not up to something...
Who doesn't like a good rude card on their 70th birthday?
We've kept it fairly tame on this page so far... You can browse the rest of our birthday cards for some more inspiration (and really, really rude stuff, too).
We hope your mum enjoys her special 70th birthday and that your card makes her laugh. It will certainly be more memorable that the other cards she gets...
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